New Legislation and More Restrictions on Immigration in the U.S.

More Inmigration Restrictions

News for Journalists, Week of June 3, 2024 

 Hi, I’m immigration attorney Héctor Quiroga, bringing you the past and upcoming immigration news for the week of June 3 to June 9, 2024. 



New Anti-Immigration Bill in Louisiana  

The passage of SB388, which moved on last week in the state House of Representatives, creates the crime of unlawful entry or reentry into Louisiana by a foreign individual. Moreover, it authorizes local police to detain and imprison individuals suspected of being undocumented.  

After passing through the House of Representatives, SB388 was also signed in the Senate and referred to the governor’s office, where it is expected to be enacted. Louisiana joins a list of several states that have hardened their stance against undocumented immigrants.  

This new wave of anti-immigration legislation was inspired by the controversial SB4 from Texas, signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott last December, and triggering litigation that led to its suspension by the Supreme Court. 



Biden to Sign Executive Order to Address Irregular Immigration  

A significant topic of discussion this week comes from the White House. President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order containing more radical policies to manage the migration crisis. This occurs amidst a heated political context after the Senate failed again to pass the bipartisan immigration reform bill that would also allocate resources for the immigration system.  

What might the executive order include? One of the actions would involve halting asylum applications and rejecting immigrants once a daily limit is reached.  

In the increasingly tight electoral landscape, this policy may significantly impact the re-election campaign that Biden is running to keep the White House.  


CBP Reports Decline in Number of Crossings at the Southern Border in May  

There was a significant decrease in border crossings in the southern part of the country in May, as reported by CBP, indicating that this trend has continued over the past months. In the first 21 days of the month (3,700 detentions), there was a 54% reduction compared to December.  

Experts believe this phenomenon could be directly linked to the changes the Biden administration has implemented and expect to intensify this week when the president signs a new executive order to toughen measures at the southern border.   

These are the immigration news stories that will be talked about this week. If you would like more information on these topics, please email or reach us at (509) 255 35 22, extension 294, and we will provide more details.