The first thing to know is that permanent resident status can be conditional if it was obtained by marriage in the first place. […]
The first thing to know is that permanent resident status can be conditional if it was obtained by marriage in the first place. […]
What are the possible changes we can expect on immigration with Joe Biden swearing-in as the U.S. president? At Quiroga […]
The 2020 edition of the annual list of fastest-growing companies was recently published by INC magazine. The famous magazine […]
If you are one of the DACA beneficiaries’ programs and have lost your work permit, read carefully. At Quiroga Law Office PLLC, we can give you advice on […]
The “Green Card” or Permanent Residence, is one of the procedures most requested by immigrants because it opens up many more alternatives to live and […]
Violence against women and domestic violence is one of the most common crimes committed against immigrants. For this reason, there is a law […]
A Green Card process, the document which authorizes its holder to work in the U.S., can take a long time to complete. In the meantime, a person […]
One of the main advantages of 245(i) is that it allows certain eligible foreigners to adjust their migratory status without leaving the country. At […]
This has been one of the most debated issues in the courts in 2020. Why? What is DACA, and what is its purpose? […]
Through a family petition, an American citizen can immigrate to the United States his family. But the bond that the citizen shares […]
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Vancouver: (360) 597 2591
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(844) 784-7642
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Kennewick: (509) 570 1451
Wenatchee: (509) 495 1614
Las Vegas: (702) 608 8591
Tacoma: (253) 590 4159
Vancouver: (360) 597 2591
Our only text number is: (866) 934-9080
Our only WhatsApp number is: (509) 927 3840
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Our official social networks on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and You Tube are:
@Quiroga_LawOffice | @AbogadoQuiroga | @AbogadaQuiroga | @AbogadaQuirogaOficial
CashApp, Vemo, Zelle, PayPal, Apple Pay, itunes Cards, Western Union, Bitcoin, Square, Google Pay, Remitly, Wire Transfers, Bank Transfer, Bank Deposit.
(844) 784-7642
Spokane: (509) 927 3840
Kennewick: (509) 570 1451
Wenatchee: (509) 495 1614
Las Vegas: (702) 608 8591
Tacoma: (253) 590 4159
Vancouver: (360) 597 2591
Nuestro único número de texto es: (866) 934-9080
Nuestro único número de WhatsApp es: (509) 927 3840
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Nuestras redes sociales oficiales en Facebook, instagram, tik tok y youtube son:
@Quiroga_LawOffice | @AbogadoQuiroga | @AbogadaQuiroga | @AbogadaQuirogaOficial
Spokane: 509 927 3840
Kennewick: 509 570 1451
Wenatchee: 509 495 1614
Las Vegas: 702 608 8591
Tacoma: 253 590 4159
Vancouver: 360 597 2591
Abogado Quiroga Youtube: 509 255 3505
Abogado Quiroga Facebook: 509 342 7009
Abogado Quiroga Instagram: 509 424 5709
Abogado Quiroga Tiktok: 509 257 3677