Beauty & the Beast

Quiroga Law Office, PLLC has a rising star! Its very own Kristen Cusick, also known as Misty Cusick, has landed the amazing role as Mrs. Potts in the musical, Beauty and the Beast, in both Act I and Act II. The musical is being performed at the Spokane Civic Theatre, located at 1020 North Howard Street, Spokane, WA 99201 from September 9, 2016, to October 9, 2016. The Spokane Civic Theatre will be playing Beauty & the Beast as the opener for their 70th anniversary gala.
Kristen has been singing and performing since she was very young. Though she started her college career in music, she was very passionate about helping people and pursued her career as an attorney because she felt great joy in helping improve the lives of others. She always maintained performing as a focal part of her life, however, and was happy to join the Spokane Civic Theatre.
Although Kristen felt hopeful that she would get a part in the musical, her feelings were pure apprehensiveness and excitement when she found out she got the roll of Mrs. Potts. This was one of the main roles she was hoping for!

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New Staff in the Office

The office has been booming and just over the past year, the staff has almost tripled after moving to their new location at 505 North Argonne Road, Suite 109-B in Spokane Valley. Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, is winning more and more cases each month and was in need of more help around the office.
Introducing newly hired Jennyfer Lopez and Marie Sorensen, two women eager to learn and help around the office.
Jennyfer’s first day on the job was August 8th, 2016, and her role is an administrative assistant. Jennyfer is in charge of organizing and filing the correspondence, mail, and other paperwork that gets filtered into the office from both the staff and clients. She also occasionally fills in for Amy Gilliam at the front desk. Jennyfer Lopez has Hispanic heritage and is fluent in both English and Spanish, which is ideal since Quiroga Law Office PLLC is both an English and Spanish speaking law firm. In addition to being bilingual, Jennyfer has four years of experience as the manager of her family’s business with Imelda, of which she helped delegate new clients and scheduled appointments.

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Quiroga Law Office, PLLC Moved Office Location

SPOKANE VALLEY, WA—To accommodate an expanding practice, The Quiroga Law Office, PLLC moved to a new, larger location May 1, 2015 — expanding from its current two-room suite to one with seven offices.
The move sends husband-and-wife partners Casey and Hector E. Quiroga Sr. next door in the building where they’ve practiced law for six years with the help of a paralegal, and a legal assistant. In the last six months, however, the firm has nearly doubled in size, adding a legal receptionist, a bilingual assistant, a senior paralegal, and a contract attorney.
Hector and Casey Quiroga state this move really allows the firm to better serve their clients. They are excited to see clients supporting them and even helping them move.

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Immigrating Through Family Members

Most immigration happens through family members who are either citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States. To determine if there are any options available for an undocumented immigrant to obtain legal status, family is the first place to look. We want to see, first of all, if they are the immediate relatives of US citizens. Immediate relatives of US citizens include their spouses, minor children and their parents, but only when the US citizen is over the age of twenty-one.

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Can an Undocumented Immigrant Become Documented?


The first thing, though, is to define “undocumented”; what is an undocumented immigrant? Undocumented immigrants are lumped together under other labels, too, such as “illegal immigrants”, “illegal aliens” or simply “illegals”. Our choice to refer to those in the country without authorization as being “undocumented” come from an understanding that actions are illegal, not people. Undocumented immigrants might be in the country illegally, but they themselves are not illegal.
There are a variety of different pathways to legal status for undocumented immigrants. In order to be able to determine what is possible requires information on a variety of subjects. While it is true that not everyone can be helped, knowing an individual’s background can help determine what, if anything, can be done.

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Greg Cunningham joins the Quiroga Law Office Full Time

Greg Cunningham

SPOKANE VALLEY, Washington — Noted immigration law advocate Greg Cunningham has joined the Quiroga Law Office as its senior paralegal, helping to establish the firm as the premier provider of legal services to eastern Washington’s immigrants and their families.
Founder and former program manager of Catholic Charities Spokane Refugee and Immigration Services, Cunningham brings extensive experience advising residents of a broad area, from Spokane to Tri-Cities to Walla Walla to Okanagan, on immigration law, as well as helping them and their families procure needed financial assistance.
“I come with a good reputation,” he says, noting that he worked at CCS for 13 years. “People know me. They know I’m good and I’m honest.”
Cunningham met Quiroga Law Office partner Hector Quiroga, an immigrant from Colombia, through Quiroga’s activities as a CCS volunteer. The two share a vision for the firm as a world-class legal advocacy organization, extending help even to those who can’t afford a lawyer.

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Happy Holidays!

This is the time to stop and reflect over all the wonderful opportunities and blessings bestowed upon us. We would also like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to be there in those moments when you have needed our help. We also like to thank you for thinking of our office when a family member or a friend needed to consult and seek our advice. We put together (with a little help of some people with some serious computer skills) a little video card. We hope you enjoy it.

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Changes in Immigration Law with Executive Order | Effects in Spokane and Eastern Washington

President Barack Obama has announced his position regarding his policy on immigration. It is clear that the President waited this long so as not to affect the past midterm election, but it is also clear that a disregard to immigration policy will hurt both Democrats and Republicans at the voting polls. 
The comprehensive immigration reform is a bill that had President Obama’s blessing, and was approved by the Senate, but it languished in the House of Representatives for over two years; thus, forcing the President into taking the executive action route.
This executive action will benefit many immigrants who qualify. This benefit will be temporary and could be lost if the political landscape changes (i.e. a Republican President is elected in November 2016 and takes office in January 2017). A new President can simply cancel, or otherwise reverse the executive action issued by President Obama. This does not include the massive opposition the Republican Party will likely (as it has already promised) put forward in the upcoming months.

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Once again, Obama gets squeezed on immigration

WASHINGTON — The Republican takeover of Congress may have shaken up Washington, but it has left President Obama in the same position on immigration: squeezed between angry congressional Republicans and even angrier immigration advocates.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., urged the president to hold off on a long-promised executive action that would legalize millions of undocumented immigrants.
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla., one of the strongest Republican proponents of an immigration bill that would grant legal status to undocumented immigrants, said such a move by the president would be the equivalent of “pulling the pin off a hand grenade and tossing it into the middle of the room.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., one of the co-authors of a bipartisan bill passed by the Senate last year, said it would “poison the well,” a phrase repeated by other GOP leaders.
Immigration advocates say they’ve heard that song before.
“That well hasn’t had water for a long time,” said Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum.
Immigration groups are responding in full force. Hundreds of undocumented immigrants are likely to rally outside the White House on Friday, followed by protests, marches and hunger strikes in the weeks to come. They were already fuming over Obama’s decision to postpone his executive action after setting a summer deadline, and they say they won’t let him get away with missing his latest promise to act before the end of the year.

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