Can older adults take the 2022 citizenship test in their native language?

2022 citizenship test

To obtain US Citizenship it is necessary to meet all the requirements. And among the requirements, there is an English language proficiency test and a civics test, known as the 2022 citizenship test. 

However, in some cases, it is possible to be exempt from the English language requirement if you meet certain conditions, such as: 

  • Have the legal permanent residence for at least 20 years by the time you apply for naturalization and be 50 years or older (50/20 exception).
  • Be 55 years or older and have had legal permanent residence for 15 years by the time you apply for naturalization (55/15 exception).

Although there may be an exemption in the use of the English language in these cases, it will still be necessary to take the 2022 citizenship test. But do not worry, because it is possible to take it in your native language. 

Also read: How long after being denied American citizenship can I reapply? 

How to take the citizenship test in my native language? 

To take the 2022 citizenship test in your native language it is necessary to request it before the Immigration Services in advance. In addition, it will be necessary to meet the following requirements: 

  • Prove your age and how long you have been a legal permanent resident.
  • At the time of the test, you must bring an interpreter or translator for the interview
  • The interpreter must be fluent in English and your native language

On the other hand, in some of these cases, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) also grants the applicant the benefit of only studying 20 of the 100 civics questions used in the naturalization test. 

Finally, keep in mind that to take the 2022 citizenship test in your native language, it is essential to meet the age and minimum time of permanent residence in the United States. 

At Quiroga Law Office, PLLC, we are willing to help you. Contact us. Our team of lawyers will take care of your case and throughout your process. 

Request a consultation here or call us, (509) 498-3485.