Family Unity as a Pillar of Biden’s New Immigration Reform

Biden's New Immigration Reform

The recent plan by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to regularize the status of over half a million migrants in the United States represents a significant shift in the country’s immigration policy. This program, designed to promote family unity, exemplifies the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping families together and providing stability to those who have lived in uncertainty. 

The new plan benefits spouses of U.S. citizens, graduates of local universities, and “dreamers” — individuals who entered the country as children. Additionally, those who have resided in the U.S. for at least 10 years and are married to a U.S. citizen before June 17, 2024, will also be eligible to regularize their status. 

One of the main advantages of this new regulation is that it allows applicants to process their residency within the national territory. Previously, many migrants had to leave the country and wait to be processed abroad, resulting in prolonged separations and significant hardships. With this measure, families can stay together during the process, reducing fear and uncertainty. 

The plan also includes provisions to ensure public and national security. Migrants who pose a threat will be detained and deported, ensuring that only those who do not pose a risk are benefited. 

In addition to spouses and “dreamers,” around 50,000 stepchildren of U.S. citizens will be able to take advantage of this regulation. Migrants will have a three-year period to apply for permanent residency, during which they can remain in the U.S., obtain work permits for up to three years, and eventually apply for citizenship. 

Graduates of U.S. universities with highly qualified job offers will also benefit, facilitating the acquisition of work visas. This not only strengthens families but also contributes to the country’s economic development by retaining valuable talent. 

These measures align with previous actions by the Biden-Harris Administration, such as the implementation of parole processes for family reunification for citizens of various countries. With this initiative, the government reaffirms its commitment to keeping families together and providing opportunities to those seeking a better life in the United States.

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