Reality of Mass Amnesty: Biden and Changes in Asylum Cases

Since 2022, over 350,000 asylum cases have been closed. These cases, which are dismissed without a decision on the merits, allow immigrants to remain in the country if they have no criminal records and are not considered a threat. 

Impact of Prosecutorial Discretion 

These case closures are not asylum grants but a way to reduce the backlog in the legal system. Héctor Quiroga, our attorney, explained in the New York Post that “If the case is dismissed, we basically end up with nothing.” 

This situation leaves immigrants in a sort of limbo, where they can stay in the country but without access to benefits or work permits. 

Amnesty in Numbers 

The Biden administration has closed cases at an unprecedented rate. In 2023, more than 149,000 cases were closed, allowing these immigrants to remain in the United States. 

Although this reduces the pressure on immigration courts, it has also drawn criticism from former ICE officials, who argue that this policy allows people without legal rights to stay indefinitely. 

Legal Alternatives Available 

Immigrants with dismissed cases can explore other avenues to regularize their status. These include family-based visas, employment-based visas, and humanitarian protections. 

The Biden administration has facilitated access to these options, though it remains crucial to seek advice from an immigration attorney to identify the best path forward. 

Challenges and Opportunities for Immigrants 

We understand that this situation can be complicated and stressful for many immigrants. Case dismissals may seem like a temporary solution, but they also offer the opportunity to seek other ways to regularize their status. 

We are committed to providing the guidance and support needed to help our clients navigate this complex process. 

Evolution of Immigration Policy 

We will continue to closely monitor the Biden administration’s policies. Mass amnesty is just one part of a broader approach to managing the immigration crisis. 

It is crucial to understand how these policies evolve and the impact they have on our clients and the community at large. 

The Biden administration’s policy has sparked significant debate. While some see it as a necessary relief for the immigration system, others criticize its implementation and consequences. 

We will remain dedicated to our clients, providing advice and representation to ensure their rights are protected.