Trump Plans to Restrict Immigrant Entry to the United States

The measure signed by Trump in April restricts legal immigrants searching for a residence in the United States.

The green card allows people to live and work in the country. Last year 1 million green cards were issued, a document that also paves the way for US citizenship.

For 60 days, Trump will restrict the entry of immigrants to the country, although it is possible to be extended in time. With the coronavirus expanding in the country, this initial restriction may just be the beginning of future actions.

During the past May, senators urged Trump to increase the ban between 12 and 36 months. Trump’s ban is estimated to block around 26,000 immigrants a month, 52,000 in 60 days.

This would affect immigration to the country by 30% which could increase if a new ban is rolled out.

With the existing financial and social crisis, the pandemic might also bring additional measures against immigrants. Chad Wolf, Secretary of Homeland Security, acknowledged at the time that the April ban may lead to further restrictions. Although several immigration attorneys have filed legal claims against the measure, there is still no clear picture.

Read more: Most Common Mistakes That Immigrants Make Preventing Them From Obtaining The Green Card

In Oregon, a federal judge rejected the petition related to the reopening of the emergency and consular visa processing service. In other states, the impugnation to the immigration restriction has also been rejected by federal judges in the nation. In Washington, Judge Amit Mehta also refused to block the immigration ban signed by President Trump, in force since April.

According to Mehta, the citizens, permanent residents, and green card applicants who appealed have no reason to demand the ban.

Because of the uncertainty generated by the lack of awareness about a possible increase in the restriction, it only remains to wait for Congress.