Welcome Corps: The initiative connecting refugees and american citizens

The Welcome Corps program, initiated by the Department of State in early 2023, offers new hope for Cuban, Venezuelan, Haitian, and Nicaraguan refugees who have escaped political repression and economic crises in their countries. This program allows refugees to apply for entry into the United States along with up to 10 family members, thanks to the sponsorship of American citizens. 

Welcome Corps focuses on providing humanitarian support and a welcoming environment for those far from home. Unlike asylum seekers, who seek protection in the United States due to fears of persecution, Welcome Corps beneficiaries must be registered as refugees in another country before September 30, 2023, through the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR). This requirement ensures that refugees have already been officially recognized before applying for entry into the United States. 

One of the program’s most notable aspects is its ability to foster greater closeness and direct contact between refugees and American citizens. This approach to integration and resettlement is essential for helping families rebuild their lives in new communities. Welcome Corps requires that five American sponsors commit to each refugee family, ensuring they receive the necessary support to find housing and adapt to their new environment during their first 90 days in the country. 

The program has been successful so far, surpassing its initial goal of 10,000 refugee sponsors, with nearly 13,000 registered to date. Despite these achievements, the initiative remains relatively unknown to the public. Many people do not understand the difference between this program and other forms of protection like humanitarian parole, highlighting the need for greater awareness and understanding of these aid mechanisms. 

Welcome Corps challenges the myth that Americans reject immigrants. In reality, this program shows that many citizens are willing to welcome and support refugees, providing them with an opportunity to start anew and contribute to American society. This effort reflects the United States’ commitment to the principles of humanity and international solidarity. 

Welcome Corps is a beacon of hope for those who have fled difficult situations in their home countries. The combination of citizen support and strict requirements ensures that refugees receive the help they need to start a new life in the United States. 

Article: https://www.telemundo31.com/local/se-buscan-patrocinadores-para-refugiados/2278209/